Thank You OCSD Volunteers!!

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and we want to say how deeply grateful we are to have all of our volunteers. At all levels, volunteers are an appreciated part of our school communities. From guest speaking, to leading special art projects, to cutting out paper shapes, to clerical work, to reading with students, to helping with homework, to chaperoning dances and field trips, our volunteers help out in a vast array of ways that make a difference in our student’s lives. 

We hope folks will consider joining this wonderful team of Volunteers. You are needed! To get involved, please review the information found on our Volunteer page. The application includes watching a short video, filling out the forms, and verifying vaccinations (or exemptions). At this time, the Oregon Health Authority is still requiring all volunteers to submit verification of the COVID-19 vaccination or a valid exemption. It’s quick, easy, and will ensure you are able to serve as a Volunteer as soon as possible! (If we hear of changes to the requirement, we will communicate that out to our families and community.)


Gaffney Lane a Finalist in OnPoint Community Builder Grant


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